Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Old Stone Wall

The old stone wall still stands after years of neglect and weather beating. Made by the hands of a skilled mason to retain the property, and bring beauty to an awkward landscape. Who really knows what its real purpose was back when it was made. Maybe sheep were contained there, or goats. Maybe my imagination is too fertile and it was just built simply for aesthetics. I’m sure it was beautiful on its day. Today it has a different kind of beauty. The moss and overgrowth tell the story of age, and for some reason cause me to wonder about it on an almost daily basis. Maybe I see myself in it, I’m not nearly as old, but in years past I have felt just as neglected and even forgotten. I feel just as strong as I ever have, but I certainly have gone through some physical changes over the years. I wonder how many people have noticed that wall over the years. Or was it just taken for granted? I enjoy seeing it every day, it reminds me that even when we are not mindful of everything in our lives, they are there, constant and necessary. I guess things only have worth when we put a value on them. People are never just an aesthetic part of our lives, or at least I hope not. I look at Hollywood and the fashion industry and understand why they are for the most part so troubled and unhappy. The public only wants them for what they can do, or for their appearance. To me, it is sad to look at someone like Michael Jackson. To the outsider's limited view he had everything. He had fame, talent, and money, and he was considered one of the most recognized people on the planet. Yet with all that going for him, he was not happy. He was only a commodity, a logo that lined pockets with plenty of cash. It’s really sad if you think about it if you break it down into a very human perspective. This man brought nearly 50 years of enjoyment and entertainment to millions of people around the world, and I have to stop and wonder how much enjoyment he was afforded, or had to call his own. Who really knows the truth behind all the allegations…it’s not for me to judge. Michael is gone now, as you and I will someday be. I bet that the old stone wall will still be there, where it’s always been, constant. I sure hope someone notices it every once in a while, and even enjoys it.

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