Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just Do It!

I apologize for the near silence from my end of the keyboard. You would think I would have a ton of things to say being I am at the happiest place in my life. I have my “V”, the love of my life and a great friend. I have made several health decisions that were a long time coming. I have finally made the move to lose some weight, and eat a healthier diet. Exercise is also on the menu these days…can you imagine? One other thing that has had a hold on me for a long time has finally been tossed by the wayside. The grip cigarettes have had on my life is being addressed as we speak by the grace of God, strong determination, and the NicoDerm CQ patch. If you are struggling with smoking, try the patch! If you don’t smoke, buy a box for someone that does and tell them it’s because you love them and you want them around while. So here I am, making strides to prolong a once pathetic life (In my mind only) I’m feeling good, and like I said before never happier. I hope you are doing the things in life that make you happy. Life is short my friends, enjoy every day as a gift. Enjoy the people you call friends and love deeper the ones you love. Give yourself a break also. Look for the things that you’ve always wanted to change in your life. Go to that place you’ve always wanted to go. Be the person you know you are inside, wear your heart on your sleeve, and smile no matter what’s going on. Have a great day…Just Do It!

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