Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Life is a vast array of colors, some dark and seemingly lifeless, while others are too beautiful to adequately describe. The light must have the dark to bring forth its illuminating brilliance. All colors have their place of importance, in the ongoing masterpiece of who we are, and who we will become. The contrast’s set the tone of our personality and character. We must not be afraid to let dark colors permeate our canvas. Opportunity will always lend itself to highlight it and make it work for us. At times, we may only see the darkness, and our canvas looks bleak. Train yourself to accept the darkness, see what it has to offer, and where it will take you on your journey of discovery and growth. Then, fill your pallet with bright rich colors and enjoy the brush strokes of freedom you will experience. Your heart and soul are the receiving canvas, clean, white, and stretched to fit only you. The stretching may hurt at first, but keep pressing forward. You will in time grow into the new skin and find it comforting. Remember, at the beginning of any masterpiece, you may look at all the colors that are being blocked in, and say what a mess, this could never become anything beautiful. In the time it will all come together, it will be revealed and make sense. We will come to realize that is the process of life that is the masterpiece, full of color, experience, and love. The finished product is our completed canvas, passed along to those around us hopefully becoming blocking colors in their masterpiece.

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