Monday, September 23, 2013


The daylight just doesn’t seem to have that same strength to stretch as far into the summer evenings as it did. In the North East, there is a chill in the morning air, with welcome warmth as we make our way to the midday. Further north, apple pickers are enjoying the beginnings of color changes in foliage along with the landscapes. This is a beautiful season when all the fall colors are on display like a prized handmade quilt for us all to enjoy. I hope where you are, changes are happening around you. Things that help you see the ebb and flow of life, and help you to appreciate the seasons and unique gifts they bring. I encourage you to go out apple picking or grab that pumpkin for a great pie or two. Smell the air, listen to the birds, and hear the children laugh and giggle as they run through the orchard abandoning all fear. But most of all, just feel alive today, feel grateful for all you have, and the ones you love, and somehow love yourself back…Enjoy!


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