Monday, March 9, 2009


Friend: (noun) “one attached to another by affection or esteem” A friend is someone you can count on. You know they will always be there for you. By the very definition, someone that is “attached to another by affection or esteem” says to me that a real friend is so much deeper than we think. I have some friends that have been in my life for forty-plus years. I have some from High School that has been there all along, and some that I have recently reconnected with that have augmented my life. I have so many good people that I am fortunate to call a friend. I was encouraged by a friend to start writing. I was never a writer and certainly didn’t pay attention in English class. But my point is that it was the encouragement of a friend that caused me to even entertain the thought of putting pen to paper, or the modern counterpoint, digits to keys. Writing has become extremely therapeutic for me. I guess I never would have found this outlet unless my friend cared enough to encourage me to stretch myself beyond my limited sight line. Many of my friends have caused me to be a better person just by the people they are. I am prone to self-doubt and even depression. What has helped me tremendously is the thought that my life is not just my own, but I also live my life for others around me. I feel that I owe the best of me to friends that have invested in my life. It gives me purpose and meaning to get out of bed every day and take on whatever life brings. I wonder if I have been that type of friend to someone. I wonder if I have been to someone the very thing that I have needed and received from others? I am constantly re-examining myself, maybe too much sometimes. I just want to be someone that I have found in my friends. I guess what I want to be is a true friend. I want to be that person in someone’s life that encourages them to rise above their situations and pain. And, I want to be there to celebrate the triumphs too. I love to rejoice with people that have good news to share, as well as a hug when times get tough. My hope is to be who you need me to be, a true friend. I also hope that you will strive to be that person to someone. I have found that reaching into someone else’s life takes the spotlight off ourselves, and gives us breathing room and perspective, and the clarity to see the things we are wrestling with. We all have struggles, it’s part of life. We owe it to ourselves and others, to be honest, and transparent. There is no reason we can’t bring our dark secrets out, and expose them into the light of friendship. In the battle of dark and light, even a small candle will disperse the darkness. Are we attached enough to light each other’s candle…I hope so.

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