Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Fire

Let’s face it, we all have been through highs and lows in this life, and the way we deal with the lows either builds character or burns us beyond recognition. Matters of the heart can be the enemy within. We can hide it for a season until it manifests itself and all hell breaks loose for all the world to see. When a marriage goes south like a runaway train it is devastating. This person you loved decides that you are no longer worthy of their love and cancels the contract. Now, you can either buy the lie that you are not worthy of love again…or you can pick yourself up and begin to live again. There is life after love, or should I say when it’s gone. I have found that we don’t live our lives for ourselves. Every experience (good and bad) forms, molds and shapes us into who we are. Now what we choose to do with that experience is the key to life. Do we turn inward and live the rest of our days in silent misery? Or do we say this is who I am, and I want to share my experience to help others? For silver to be purified, it must go through a process of being melted down with extreme heat, until the dross or impurities rise to the top to be strained off leaving pure silver. I look at life that way. It’s a very simple view. We go through trials by fire to sift the dross from our lives to make us a more whole person equipped to help others through the process. When the fire comes for a friend, just be there to hold their hand, allow them to vent and cry, and love them unconditionally. For you know that at the end of their fiery trial, the silver left behind will be more costly than gold!

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