Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Smile Game

I went to a mall today to people watch. I love to watch how people walk around, and I study the expressions on their faces. Some are smiling as they talk with their friends or families. Some seem a million miles away as they make their way through the crowds. Sometimes I “stalk” people. I see someone that looks sad and create a way to smile and say hello. I guess if Mall Security was doing their job, they would notice me and throw me out on my rear. I often wonder if someone else was in the mall people watching and noticed me running around like a lunatic. I must be some sight. Sometimes people smile and say hello back, mission accomplished! Others look at me as if I am nuts. Maybe I am? I just like to see people happy as they are making their way through life. I guess I know too well how it feels to be sad and unhappy. I’ve had my share of that kind of day in my life. From the loss of loved ones, a failed marriage, and bouts with depression most of my life. Now that I’ve fought off those demons, I hate to see people sad. I know I can’t reach out to everyone, but I can catch a few along the way. If people will think of that crazy stranger that said hello at the mall for just a few minutes and smiled, well I can feel pretty satisfied with that. Hey, maybe I’ve created a new thing for kids to do in the mall besides just hanging out? Or even a game for the whole family to play. 5 Points for a hello back. 5 Points for a smile, and 20 Points for a hello and smile together. Remember you have to single out a person that looks like they need a little cheering up. Follow them, but don’t scare them. Be natural in your approach with the goal in mind to brighten someone’s day. It’s fun, and it won’t cost you a dime. But the feeling in your heart will be priceless.

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