Saturday, February 7, 2009

Looking Forward with Fire and Attitude

“There’s a new kind of dancing ~ That’s going to be the rage ~ You just leave yourself behind ~ Like an actor on a stage ~ Cop a different pose ~ From the pose you’re in ~ Shine a different attitude ~ From underneath your skin” Carly Simon If you are like me, I get so wrapped up in stuff that I lose sight of the important things around me. Or maybe there have been people in our past that have told us we are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, or whatever enough? Well enough is enough already!!! It’s amazing how throughout our whole lives, we try to live by the standards of others. Their words and attitudes echo to cloud our minds about who we really are, and who we can become as plain and simple people. I’ve noticed in my own life, that the real struggle is in my mind, and not the world around me. Yes, there are things out there in the world that affect us. We would be naive to say that they don’t. But, I have found the best way to combat the ghosts of the past, and maybe even the present, is to always have something to look forward to. It could be something really simple. Maybe that TV show you love to watch, a phone call you can’t wait to make, dinner with an old friend or even waiting on Facebook for those special people that always make you smile and "LOL" to pop up on the chat list. (Ok, I admit I’m probably the only one that does that…LOL) So I have an assignment for all of us. Seek out those people in our lives that you know love you unconditionally…warts and all. Make plans to get together for coffee, a drink, dinner, or whatever your fancy…but just do it, and look forward to it. Love them, and allow them to love you! Maybe there is an old song in your head, go listen to it. Let it take you back to the time when you first heard it. The people, places, and things, (good and bad) that are associated with it, have helped shape who you are today. Don’t run from them, embrace them and own them. Even love them for it! When your phone rings, smile before you answer it. The person on the other end will feel it. Hold the door for someone with a smile even if they don’t say thank you. Let someone into traffic with a wave and a smile even if they don’t acknowledge your kindness. It’s all about you today. I don’t believe we can truly love others until we have a healthy love, and respect for ourselves. Light a fire in your soul, look forward but live in the moment. Respect the past, but don’t live there. So let’s go light a fire, and let’s do it together with a new attitude! “…and the glow from that fire will truly light the world…” John F. Kennedy

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