Thursday, February 26, 2009

Matter of the Heart

It’s amazing what our words can do. We can build someone up, or we can tear them down. What power do we have? It is said that what lives in our heart, the mouth will reflect. Have you ever noticed when you are in a bad mood, the content of your speech will verify the darkness? When we are in the best of moods, sunny expressions flow and confirm our happiness in our conversations. Our moods can change based on the situations in our lives, real or perceived. Sometimes the reality of life can bring us down, and we have to fight like hell to stay above the fray. Other times it seems like everything is going our way, and it's easy to glide through…or even dance. My hope today is to live somewhere in the middle. Like a ship navigating through rough waters, and maintaining an even keel. Life can be rough at times, but hopefully, we will stand firm in wisdom and grace. And on those days that we have the world by the tail, we need to be sensitive to those around us, not fairing as well and build them up. Speak words of life to yourself. Tell yourself that you are important and that you will make a difference in someone’s life today. Make someone laugh today, cry with them, and just be with them. There are people in our everyday life’s that we run across. Make their day with a big hello and a smile. Even if you don’t feel like it, take the bull by the horns and pull yourself out of the darkness. Expose the darkness of your heart into the light, and see how quickly it will dissipate.

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