Friday, February 13, 2009

Life & Death

My heart goes out to the families of Continental Flight 3407 It’s times like this we are forced to look at our own mortality, and realize how fleeting life really is. As a small boy in the 1960s, I had a lot of people die around me, people that were very significant in my life. I couldn’t understand death, how someone could be fine one day and gone forever the next. I can remember as a five-year-old boy crying in the night, and pleading with God not to kill me. The pattern continued into the 1970s with a devastating loss of a man that probably had more influence on how I look at life and shaped my sense of humor. America Joseph “Babe” Scarano was that man. We’ve all had devastating losses. We can all think of people that are no longer with us. We would give anything to have them back. But death is part of life, and life does what it does. We are here for a short time and it is a gift. We should try to make a difference and love as much as we can. I think of my friend Babe often. I know that in a way, he is still with me. We love with our heart, our innermost being. So if we carry those we love in our hearts, they are never really gone. So let’s keep those we love close living or dead, and love them with our whole hearts. And they will never be far from us.

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